User prediction

Let’s see how a user can run maxsmi for compound prediction.

from pathlib import Path
import ast
import os
import pandas as pd
from IPython.display import Image
# Path to this notebook
HERE = Path(_dh[-1])
cd ../..
python maxsmi/ --help
usage: [-h] [--task TASK]
                                    [--smiles_prediction USER_SMILES]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --task TASK           data to be used
  --smiles_prediction USER_SMILES
                        SMILES for prediction

Let’s predict lipophilicity for the semaxanib drug given by the SMILES O=C2C(\c1ccccc1N2)=C/c3c(cc([nH]3)C)C:

cd ../..
python maxsmi/ --task=lipophilicity --smiles_prediction="O=C2C(\c1ccccc1N2)=C/c3c(cc([nH]3)C)C"
Script completed. Output can be found at maxsmi/user_prediction/lipophilicity_O=C2C(%5Cc1ccccc1N2)=C%2Fc3c(cc([nH]3)C)C/

Note: the backslash has a special significance in both the python programming language and SMILES notation, and therefore should be treated with care.

from maxsmi.utils.utils_smiles import smiles_to_folder_name
Signature: smiles_to_folder_name(smiles)
Encodes the SMILES containing special characters as URL encoding.

smiles : str
    SMILES string describing a compound.

str :
    The standard URL encoding of the SMILES if it contains special characters.

: -> %3A
\ -> %5C (here backslash)
/ -> %2F
* -> %2A

Taken from:
File:      ~/Documents/github/maxsmi/maxsmi/utils/
Type:      function

path = (f"{HERE}/../../maxsmi/user_prediction/"

Let’s see what was stored during the execution.

list_output_files = os.listdir(path)
['user_prediction_table.csv', '2D_molecule.png', 'user_prediction_output.log']

There are three files:

  • user_prediction_table.csv: The results of the prediction in a csv table,

  • 2D_molecule.png: A PNG figure representing the molecular graph,

  • user_prediction_output.log: Additional information on the prediction in a log file.

Let’s have a closer look at each of them.

The log file contains detailed information on the model used, augmentation strategy as well as the results.

log_file = [string for string in list_output_files
            if string.endswith("log")][0]

with open(f"{path}/{log_file}") as f:
    for _ in range(15):  # show first 15 lines
        line = next(f).strip()
INFO:root:Start at 2021-11-11 08:37:59.404143
INFO:root:Data and task: lipophilicity
INFO:root:CUDA available: False
INFO:root:Shape of training data set before processing: (4200, 2)
INFO:root:Shape of training data set after processing: (4199, 3)
INFO:root:SMILES in training data set: False
INFO:root:Augmentation strategy: augmentation_without_duplication
INFO:root:Augmentation number: 80
INFO:root:Time for augmentation 0:00:00.006678
INFO:root:Longest smiles in training data set: 268
INFO:root:Summary of ml model used for the prediction: Convolutional1DNetwork(
(convolution): Conv1d(48, 300, kernel_size=(10,), stride=(1,))
(fully_connected_1): Linear(in_features=77700, out_features=100, bias=True)
(fully_connected_out): Linear(in_features=100, out_features=1, bias=True)

Let’s plot the molecular graph of the semaxanib drug.

image_file = [string for string in list_output_files
              if string.endswith("png")][0]

Let’s have a closer look at the prediction.

results_csv_file = [string for string in list_output_files
                    if string.endswith("csv")][0]
results = pd.read_csv(f"{path}/{results_csv_file}")
user_smiles smiles_in_training canonical_smiles augmented_smiles per_smiles_prediction average_prediction std_prediction
0 O=C2C(\c1ccccc1N2)=C/c3c(cc([nH]3)C)C False Cc1cc(C)c(/C=C2\C(=O)Nc3ccccc32)[nH]1 ['C(=C1\\C(=O)Nc2ccccc21)\\c1[nH]c(C)cc1C', 'c... [3.2781868, 2.9332523, 2.9482965, 3.290605 , 3... 3.108885 0.442194
print(f"SMILES given by the user: \t{results.user_smiles[0]}\n"
      f"Part of the training set: \t{results.smiles_in_training[0]}\n"
      f"Its lipophilicity value is predicted to be: \t"
      f"{results.average_prediction[0]:.3f} "
      f"with a confidence of {results.std_prediction[0]:.3f}.")
SMILES given by the user:       O=C2C(\c1ccccc1N2)=C/c3c(cc([nH]3)C)C
Part of the training set:       False
Its lipophilicity value is predicted to be:     3.109 with a confidence of 0.442.

The first \(n=7\) random SMILES are given by:

random_smiles = ast.literal_eval(results.augmented_smiles[0])[0:7]

The predictions associated to these random SMILES are:

per_smiles_prediction = ast.literal_eval(results.per_smiles_prediction[0])[0:7]
for prediction in per_smiles_prediction: